Besides rinsing plaque away, mouthwash has many more uses that will amaze you once you know about them for sure! When it was first invented, it was greeted as a surgical antiseptic. As such, it has properties so unique that can save you lots of money if you decide to benefit from them. So next time you feel like rushing to the store for a stringent, sanitizer, athlete’s foot treatment, or at least another 15 things, check out this list and see if, and how, you can get the job done with mouthwash.
Tip: The key to success is to use alcohol-based mouthwash. If you can also find one without sugar, that would be just great!
1. Nail Fungus Eradicator
Most of us have had our fingernails or toenails attacked by nail fungus, which makes them discolored and thick, at least once in our lives. Once the nail is infected, treatment is way too difficult. Make a solution of mouthwash and vinegar (50/50) and then apply to the affected area. You can use a cotton ball for easier application. Just make sure you have a new one each time. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a day.
Note: As previously mentioned, nail fungus is not an easy opponent. Don’t be frustrated if you don’t see results straight away. You have to be more persistent than the fungus to be victorious, so stick to the plan for at least a few weeks.
2. Poison Ivy Treatment
Now, that’s a tough one. Yes, you may want to scratch the infected area but don’t. Instead, apply some mouthwash and see what happens. The itchiness will be relieved, the inflammation of a poison ivy attack will be soothed, and the healing process will initiate once the mouthwash dries up the area.
Tip: You can also use mouthwash to reduce the appearance (or even save yourself from a bruise) by rubbing some mouthwash on the area that is infected.
3. After-Piercing Care
Once you pierce a part of your body, the specialist will tell you that you need to apply a disinfectant solution at least twice a day to prevent infection of that area. Mouthwash makes an excellent disinfectant and is particularly effective when used to heal a tongue piercing. The same applies to older piercings that have become infected.
Tip: Keeping your hands clean is a number one rule to keep healthy. To avoid infecting the piercings with a germ from your hands, use mouthwash to sanitize them and freshen up anytime you want. That said, it is great for cleaning children’s hands if you are not close to a bathroom. Just make sure you use a sugar-free, alcohol-based product or you will end up with a sticky mess.
4. Athlete’s Foot
Just like mouthwash treats nail fungus, it also helps treat a number of other cases, such as athlete’s foot, acting as an effective antiseptic. Use a cotton ball (soak it in mouthwash) and apply 2-3 times a day. If it stings (slightly) then you know it is working. Normally, you should see obvious results in a few days.
Tip: To soften and refresh your feet after a long, tiring day, soak your tootsies in a mixture of water and mouthwash. Results will pleasantly surprise you!
5. Garlic Odor Exterminator
Yes, if we say that mouthwash will eliminate garlic odor in your mouth, it would be like stating the obvious. How about the smell of garlic on your hands that just won’t go away even if you wash them two or three times? Pour some mouthwash on them, rub them together and voila. Remember not to wipe them with a towel. Just let them air-dry.
6. Keep Cut Flowers Fresh
Kill the bacteria responsible for speeding up decomposition by mixing two tbsp (tablespoons) of mouthwash per gallon of water. Fill the vase with it.
Tip: Mouthwash is also very effective in rescuing plants from fungus and mildew. Make a mixture of 75% water and 25% mouthwash and spray onto the plant leaves, once a week (not more than that).
7. Glass & Computer Screen Cleaner
User a damp cloth that you have applied mouthwash on, and clean glass surfaces and computer screens. Always dry the surface with a cotton cloth. You will see computer dust and smudges go away once and for all.
Important Note: You CANNOT use this technique if your computer’s screen is an LCD screen.
8. Laundry Disinfectant
Mouthwash doesn’t only remove bacteria from the mouth but also from the laundry. Add a cup of mouthwash to your machine’s regular cycle of full load and rest assured your laundry is perfectly sanitized. This is particularly handy when you want to kill the bacteria that make it past a regular wash (i.e. in the stinky gym socks).
9. Toothbrush Cleaner
If it cleans your teeth, why can’t it be just as good at cleaning your toothbrush? Dunk it in a cup of mouthwash or rinse it with mouthwash just before you brush your teeth and you ensure your toothbrush is free of the bacteria lurking in the bathroom.
10. Toilet Cleaner
If you have run out of toilet bowl cleaner, you can pour a cup of mouthwash into the toilet. Before you give it a swish with the toilet brush, let it sit for about 30 minutes or so.
11. Astringent for the Face
Use a cotton ball to apply mouthwash on your face after you have completed the normal face wash, and rinse well with water. There you go! The fanciest facial astringent ever! Again, mouthwash has to be sugar-free and alcohol-based.
12. Clean Scrapes and Cuts
Considering that mouthwash was first hailed as a surgical antiseptic, it makes sense to apply it to a wound and initiate a healing process instantly after making sure we have killed the bacteria. After you apply, dry the area and treat with a bandage as necessary.
13. Dandruff Treatment
If spending money on specialized dandruff shampoos is not your thing, then try rinsing your hair after shampooing with a mixture of water and mouthwash (50/50). About half a cup of each will be more than enough to help treat dandruff and make your hair smell minty fresh!
Note: Yo may have to repeat he process a couple of times before you have permanent results.
Do you enjoy having stuff in the house that save you money and serve more than one purposes? Then check out these articles on the ingenious uses of lemon peels and baking soda, and even toothpaste! Here are also more articles about saving money when cleaning and a super-handy cleaning guide for all aspiring housewives (and not only!).